Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Freshman’s Guide to Commercial Real Estate Analysis: Becoming an Excel Bully, Free CRE Excels

As a new member of this Blog, Scroll down to "Networkedblogs" and click "Follow" & I will forward to you Free Commercial Real Estate Analysis Spreadsheets & Guides. (Free-Excels)

(If you’re looking for professional Real Estate Analysis Models or Real Estate Analysis Services its all here) you might find the analytics / financials overwhelming, so I’ve developed a freshman course, and for those
 long-time veterans, I promise not to tell as you wipe the rust away.

We’re here to make it easy… so sharpen your pencils, master the finances, and add my blog and I will forward you the following spreedsheet Excels. 

Free Excels include
Cap Rate Calculator & Matrix – A basic Cap Rate calculator including a sensitivity matrix. Great for basic pricing with a Net Operating Income!
GRM Calculator & Matrix – A basic GRM calculator including a sensitivity matrix. Great for basic pricing with Gross Rent.
Cash on Cash Calculator & Matrix – A basic Cash on Cash calculator including a sensitivity matrix based on Rates, Loan-To-Value (LTV), and Amortization. Great for understanding Positive vs. Negative leverage.
Debt Service Coverage Ratio Calculator & Matrix – A basic Debt Calculator utilizing the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) including a sensitivity matrix based on DSCR, Cash Flow, and LTV.
Positive V Negative Chart – A PDF guide to Positive vs. Negative leverage.
PMT – The Excel Formula ‘PMT’ explained, with basic and advanced application.
IF Statement – The Excel Formula ‘IF’ explained, with basic and advanced applications. From the blog: Becoming an Excel Bully.
Other IF Statements – The Advanced ‘IF’ statements explained with application. From the blog: The “other” IF Statements
Custom Cell Formatting – Easy application of custom cell formatting within excel specifically tailored to commercial real estate analysis. From the blog: Excel for Commercial Real Estate: Custom Cell Formatting.
Present Value – An Excel Spreadsheet outlining the importance of PV and its practical use.
Future Value – An Excel Spreadsheet outlining the importance of FV and its practical use.
Cold Call Tracker – An Excel Spreadsheet for Commercial Real Estate Cold Call Tracking.

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